Composing space has always interested me. I spent some time wanting to be a set designer for theater, and had a happy time at Hedgerow Theater in Rose Valley, PA for several years, working on lights, props, and sets. Composing space in two dimensions eventually won out over three. I get attached to using the same props and themes repeatedly. One little still life in this collection is called The Usual Suspects.
The CoVid 19 quarantine during the winter and spring of 2020 gave me a great gift of time. As Cousin Debby said, what more could an introverted artist ask for? For awhile I was doing almost one 9×12 still life on Uart sanded paper a day! Using that paper was a learning experience after years and years of working on Canson MiTiente. I kept a chronological list. Some I like, some were quite worthless! The ones I like are included as a set in the Quarantine Gallery.
Many of these pictures are for sale – pricing available on request.
Quarantine 2020
Many of these pictures are for sale – pricing available on request.